Bath & Body Works
Social Media Design, Interactive Graphics and Animation (Remote)
Bath and Body Works is a leading global retailer of personal care products. With over 1,600 stores in North America alone, they are known for their signature scents, seasonal collections, and commitment to high-quality ingredients at affordable prices.
As a creative graphic designer, I play a pivotal role in collaborating with internal marketing and social account managers to produce daily animated graphics that showcase current and future product collections, promotions, and seasonal content for Instagram Stories and Pinterest. I apply analytical strategies to track the performance of each design, analyzing engagement metrics and follower conversions to refine my approach and continually improve results.
Best of Fall Awards
I designed the social graphics for the first ever Bath and Body Works' Best of Fall Awards, which celebrated iconic fall scents voted on by the global social community. At the Instagram/TikTok live event, we unveiled the product category and voter sweepstakes winners and celebrated the appeal of these beloved fragrances.
Instagram Story—Best of Fall Awards product category winners
TikTok & Instagram Reel—Best of Fall Awards Promo
Coco Paradise
Coco Paradise fragrance launch spring 2023.
Aromatherapy underwent a brand and packaging redesign that relaunched in the spring of 2023. To support this refresh I designed visually engaging social brand collateral.
Moxy launched at the end of 2022 as a sub-brand of Bath and Body Works. Introduced as a unisex product extension line tapping into the vitamin, haircare and skincare industry.